A new old beauty pusher – The brewer’s yeast
Even Arnold Schwarzenegger swore by this chemistry laboratory of nature: the brewer’s yeast. This natural food supplement consists of more than 50% of pure amino acids, in which all essential amino acids are contained. For body builders, for muscle building a gift. Well, on top of that, Arnold believed even more in all the other specialty chemical supplements for his muscles, which is what gives him his liver problems today. But with brewer’s yeast he was right, because if he had stayed with it, he would not have all his health problems. And his muscles anyway.
The miracle yeast is sold dried, in the form of powder, sequins or tablets. It is a high-quality waste product of beer production: a useful waste product for beauty.
Dried brewer’s yeast contains, for example, 16 amino acids, both essential and non-essential, and thus provides high-quality animal protein. In addition, there are 15 different minerals and trace elements, including the important antioxidant selenium. In addition, it contains more vitamins of the B-complex than any other natural food, and this in an extremely favorable combination of effects and supplements, or synergistic effect in new German. Brewer’s yeast is low in fat, cholesterol-free and has a low sodium content.
In addition, the „magic yeast“ also helps against nervous concentration problems, because it has a high content of lecithin and a chemical precursor of the brain messenger acetylcholine.
It provides all the essential beauty vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, H, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc and copper.
Brewer’s yeast is mainly used for skin problems. In the past, it was mainly used externally as a poultice for poorly healing wounds and itching. Today the internal application is in the foreground. Brewer’s yeast can be used for eczema, lichen, pustules and weeping and itching rashes. It is equally effective against fungal skin diseases.
But brewer’s yeast has a much broader spectrum of activity. It is successfully used in medicine for diabetes, because it activates the body’s own insulin production, stimulates the metabolism in gastrointestinal problems and regulates the formation of gastric juices. It also supports the activity of intestinal bacteria, which is why it is often and successfully used for intestinal rehabilitation after antibiotic treatment. Likewise, brewer’s yeast can be helpful for concentration problems, stress, exhaustion, fatigue and to strengthen the nerves.
If you take a closer look at the ingredients and their effects, you will quickly recognize another, rather unknown application: their use as a diet and slimming agent. In particular, it is an excellent metabolism stimulant, helps to gently dehydrate the body and gently reduces the feeling of hunger without side effects, as it keeps the blood sugar level at a favorable level. And except beauty and a slim body there is no consequential effect.
Understandably, still today what Dr. Heckel in 18.Century found out: „Breweries are the most distinguished pharmacies“. The immense healing power of brewer’s yeast has been described and used by renowned physicians for thousands of years. Already in Mesopotamia and in ancient Egypt the mud of the beer was used as a medicinal remedy. Even in the Papyrus Ebers from the 16th century.Century before Christ the brewer’s yeast was praised as safe anti-aging means of the time. In addition, it was known even then that it can help with many skin diseases. Thus one finds prescriptions, which are over 5000 years old. Hippokrates, Paracelsus, Sebastian Kneipp and Hildegard von Bingen also used this powerhouse of nature.
However, the variety of effects of brewer’s yeasts has only recently been researched. Brewer’s yeast is a spherical, unicellular yeast fungus belonging to the genus Saccharomyces. They are microorganisms that multiply and multiply rapidly by sprouting, during fermentation by mixing water, hops and barley, the most important ingredients in the production of beer. Since the brewer’s yeasts are only visible at 800 times magnification, Louis Pasteur was able to clearly detect these microorganisms for the first time with the invention of the microscope. The results amazed and still amaze today, but actually also amazes the fact that this super remedy is so little used.
Perhaps because it is so inexpensive to purchase? Can cheap not be effective? Must be medicine not only bitter, but also expensive to work?
You can buy brewer’s yeast cheaply and in good quality in almost all supermarkets and drugstores.