Protection for dust mite and dust mite allergy
More and more people are becoming allergic to house dust, food, animals (mite allergy) or pollen. So in Germany, about one in three children and one in four adults are affected by allergies to varying degrees.
Many affected people often suffer from several allergies at the same time. Experts believe that allergies are caused by a weakening of the immune system due to pollutants and environmental toxins.
Only in the rarest cases can an allergy be cured. As a rule, only measures that reduce the symptoms of a house dust allergy can be taken.
Effects of house dust and mite allergy
Dust mites will be found in your home in many places. But the most popular place for dust mites is the bed. The reason is the mites’ way of life. The small white spider-like animals do not have a fully developed digestive system. So you need to pre-digest your organic food (skin cells, for example) before ingesting it with enzymes and fungi.
These forming enzymes and fungi are the substances to which people are allergic in case of house dust or mite allergy. The allergic reactions are sneezing, wheezing, skin problems and developing asthma. Medications can combat the effects and lessen the discomfort. However, you should also fight your allergy with a few preventive remedies and get some relief.
Measures for mite allergy
Mites love moisture. As you sweat while sleeping at night, the moisture is released to the mattresses and bedding. The most important measure against mites is therefore the regular airing of the beds, whereby you should not forget the mattress. Also regularly change the sheets and bed linen.
If you tend to sweat, change your bedding weekly and air out your mattress just as frequently. Bed linen and sheets should be washed at least at 60 degrees to kill the mites. You can brush off the mattress in a supportive manner. Regular airing supports the drying of the bedding.
Encasing and allergy bedding provide relief
If you are highly allergic to house mites, you should buy allergy bed linen that is dry to at least. 60° washable and buy special mattress covers. Buy only tested and allergy-proof encasing. This works like a protective barrier and keeps mite droppings inside the mattress.
This prevents the fungi from mixing with the air and you will feel relief quickly. You will also destroy the food source for dust mites, because skin flakes will no longer be able to fall into the inside of the mattress. The incidence of mites is thus greatly reduced.
As an allergy sufferer, you should avoid cleaning the mattress on your own in the beginning if possible. If you must do this, remove the cover from the mattress in the bathroom or outdoors if possible. If necessary, wear a mouth guard, which you can get at the pharmacy.